Rebuilding the Rite Stone by Stone:

Through Remembrance, Revitalization & Recommitment

The mission of the United Supreme Council, 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA is to serve as the College of Freemasonry for aspiring Master Masons seeking more light in the Scottish Rite; thereby, enhancing the knowledge base, providing the moral teachings of the Rite and enriching the brotherhood experience of our members, as well as, serving as a benevolent society through the United Supreme Council’s Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking to obtain college degrees..


On behalf of all Scottish Rite Masons owing fealty to the United Supreme Council, 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America, Inc., I welcome you to our website.   The purpose of our website is to enlighten and inform members of the Scottish Rite, along with the general public, about Prince Hall Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Southern Jurisdiction, as well as the many programs taking place in our jurisdiction.  This website also serves as a means of disseminating information and broadening the accessibility of our headquarters.   Our theme is Rebuilding the Rite Stone by Stone:  Through Remembrance, Revitalization and Recommitment.  We must remember from whence we’ve come and remember our oaths and obligations to this prestigious organization, to each other and to mankind.  While revitalizing the organization through the use of modern technology, the implementation of innovative ideas, and inclusion, leading to an enhanced member experience.  Finally, we must recommit or rededicate ourselves to the principal teachings of the Rite.  Together, let us rebuild the Rite, stone by stone!

Illustrious Corey D. Hawkins Sr, 33° 
Sovereign Grand Commander             

Supporting Education and Our Future Through Our 
Charitable Foundation         


138 Years of Commitment

We have been carrying the Scottish Rite Banner since 1886 and have consistently supported the programs of research and education.


Orients Supporting the Foundation

We have members, friends and families in 27 Orients, to include CONUS and OCONUS locations, supporting our programs .


College Scholarships Awarded

We are proud to have supported over 125000 students, by providing scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance their education.

Prince Hall Credo

I believe in God, the Grand Architect of the Universe. The Alpha of the un-reckoned yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows. The Beginning and the Ending. 

I believe in man, potentially God’s other self. Often faltering on his way upward, but irrepressible in the urge to scale the spiritual Annapurna’s.

I believe in Free Masonry; that corporate adventure in universal brotherhood, despising kinship with no child of the All Father.                   

I believe in Prince Hall Masonry; a door of benevolence, securely tiled against the unworthy, but open wide to men of good rapport, whether Aryan or Khoekhoe. 

I believe in Masonic Vows; the truths of true men, plighted to their better selves.